St. Joan Outreach Program
(J)oint (O)nline (A)ccess (N)etwork
"Nature Makes disasters, communications shouldn't be one of them!"
St. Joan is our answer to the need of communications before, during and after disasters. Our answer is to support the national disaster responder network with remote digital communications via Internet up-links. We provide the responders those familiar office tools; computers, VoIP telephones, web cams and Internet service. In other words, a mobile Internet Cafe. This allows the disaster responders a comfortable set of tools, speeding their productivity and helping care reach those in need, with more speed.

St. Joan not only helps disaster responders, but also disaster victims. We provide the same suite of tools, computers, VoIP Telephones, web cams and Internet service, to the disaster victims so they can begin to recover from their tragedy and reconnect to the world.
Deployment Study 2005
In the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the follow-up sucker-punch of Hurricane Rita, we deployed St. Joan to Lawrenceville, Georgia in September 2005. We Coordinated with the American Red Cross and Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide space within the "Joint Regional Recovery Center." With thirty donated computers, donated Internet access and a team of dedicated volunteers we were able to provide tremendous relief to the souls effected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
We gave hope | - Within fifteen minutes of going live we reconnected a man and his son who had been separated for more than a week. |
We gave recovery | - Victims were able to apply for disaster grants from FEMA so their lives could return to normal. |
We gave normalcy | - Evacuated college students were able to complete assignments and reconnect with instructors. |
We gave love | - Evacuees were able to find local donated housing, even local jobs to begin life anew. |
We gave life | - Victims lost more than just their homes, driver's licenses, prescription records even birth certificates vanished below the flood waters. With the power of St. Joan victims were able to recover their vital records. |
Before Disaster Strikes
Between deployments, we provide training for disaster responders. Our core team of volunteers has over twenty years of disaster response experience. We use that knowledge and the remote deployment ability of St. Joan to provide real, hands-on experience for disaster's first responders. Following the truism of "You fight like you Train" we believe the time to prepare for the next disaster is now.
How we make this happen
We use real donations of Computer equipment, networking cables even satellite Internet up-link connectivity to provide this miracle. Most of our technology comes from sponsors who have upgraded their personal or professional technology infrastructure and are unsure what to do with their older equipment. We gladly accept the donations and then use the equipment to make a difference in lives touched by disaster.
If you have a way of assisting our mission, ideas, real donations or further questions, please send us your comments and feedback, we need to hear from you.
Thank you so much for making a difference!